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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Published on Apr 16, 2012 by
A New Jersey couple is suing their landlord for a refund after they said paranormal activity caused them to flee their rental home. Michele Callan and her fiance, Josue Chinchilla, moved into the home in Toms River, N.J., with Callan's two children on March 1 and were immediately spooked.

"Three taps on the TV, taps on the shoulder..." Chinchilla told ABC News. At first they chalked it up to the adjustment period of moving into a new home. But things only got spookier, they said. Doors opened and closed. The family even claimed they recorded strange voices whispering, "Let it burn."

The new tenants said that between the menacing voices, flickering lights and clothes mysteriously flying from their closets, they couldn't take it anymore. They fled the three-bedroom home and checked into a hotel, where they said they have been living since March 13.
Callan and Chinchilla filed suit last week in New Jersey Superior Court, seeking the return of their $2,250 security deposit from their landlord, Richard Lopez. Lopez filed a counter-suit claiming the couple is using alleged paranormal activity as a way to break their lease.

TCC -   This could open a floodgate of law suits if the couple wins this in court.

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