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Friday, April 13, 2012

 Bantam Lake
Authorities in northwestern Connecticut say they didn't find anything after a state trooper and another person reported a large object falling out of the sky in Litchfield.
The Republican-American of Waterbury reports that a person driving in Litchfield at about 2 a.m. Tuesday reported that a green, glowing object the size of a whale fell from the sky and crashed into Bantam Lake.
Officials say that at about the same time, a state trooper 10 miles away in Warren called dispatchers to report that something fell out of the sky and landed near Bantam or Morris.
Morris firefighters made several passes up and down the lake in a boat looking for a possible plane crash, but didn't find any debris.
Authorities called off the search, leaving the mystery unsolved.
[Via Yahoo.com ]

TCC - I wonder what will come of this and what it was? Interesting to say the least.


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