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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Here is what the youtube uploader posted about the video.

Proof that they're out there. This is a large scout ship that I caught on my Yukon Night Vision 5x42 digital (Infrared) camera. I believe this is just one of the many scout watcher crafts that are part of the ET's that exist on the dark side of the moon. The 10 mile long mothership is situated there.

On, Oct. 9, 2009, (NASA / LCROSS) made a failed attempt to destroy the 10 mile long mothership with their classified "Moon Bombing Mission". They attempted to call it, "Moon Bombing - discovery for water". I hope you didn't buy that!

So, why would NASA choose to name the mission "LCROSS"? Because symbolically speaking, NASA named the mission, "LCROSS" which means "Lunar Cross". Which represents a mission to destroy one of the divine intergalactic motherships on the dark side of the Moon.

I was told that disclosure will happen very soon in 2012. Our leaders will have no choice but to disclose because they'll arrive in great numbers.

If you would like to capture them, please visit my front page. I have all the details and equipment that I use listed there. I would highly recommend a good stand to avoid the shaky jitters when holding the camera with your hands.

I captured this video in Southeast Michigan, and I own all the rights to this video.

TCC-  Kind of Interesting video.

Here is another cool video

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Thursday, January 12, 2012 2 comments » by Thomas Marcum
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  1. If this was a real spacecraft, why aren't the background stars being blocked out when the alleged craft passes in front of them?

    1. because possibly it is not 1 craft.. but 3 flying in a formation....but who knows for sure.


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