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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

(not a photo from the event,for reference only)

SIX passenger planes reported seeing a UFO near a town named after Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space.
The pilot of a London to Moscow flight reported spotting a "burning object" followed by a smoke trail travelling at high speed over Gagarin, in western Russia.
An hour later six mysterious red dots were seen in the sky, hundreds of miles away in Siberia.
The Russian Defence Ministry denied any stray missiles or other military objects were in the vicinity of Gagarin at around 7.30pm local time last Thursday.
The Siberian sighting came at 11.30pm the same night.
Eyewitness Andrey Filipov said: "Leaving a supermarket with my daughter, I saw six moving red dots in the sky.
"First, it crossed the sky from west to east, then one flew separately, and the rest at some point stayed almost on the same spot."
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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