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Saturday, October 22, 2011

A video filmed by two British tourists - appears to show a small alien-like creature arching its back as it stands next to a tree in the Amazon jungle.

In the corner of the picture is a bright flash of light which is thought to be connected to the alien's presence.

The video - snapped up by Hollywood producers for a film - was obtained by noted paranormal writer Michael Cohen and is believed to have been filmed by two British tourists visiting the Mamaus region of the Amazon jungle.

Michael, who runs the paranormal website allnewsweb.com, said: "This is highly compelling footage that will be hard to discredit.

"It comes from an area known for experiencing intense UFO activity. It is rather apparent that aliens are interested in this region due to its biological diversity.

TCH - Could this be a fake? I'm leaning toward hoax/fake.

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Saturday, October 22, 2011 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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