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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Still frame from the video
What is this strange, almost human shaped, object in the sky? That is what many people are asking after seeing the video below.

Before we get to the actual video, let me tell you what is known about the clip. Reportedly this was filmed in Indonesia during what appears to be some type of riot, protest or a demonstration. The local people called it a Kuntilanak. A Kuntilanak in Indonesian mythology is a female vampiric spirit of a woman who died while pregnant. Another word used to describe this is Pontianak. Pontianaks are usually depicted as pale-skinned women with long black hair, red eyes, and white dress.

According to what I read about this folklore a Kuntilanak is a woman who died during childbirth. That the woman would come back to terrorize and take revenge on the towns people. The creature would or might look like a pretty woman and have a floral aroma. Then she would attack with claws and rip open peoples stomach.

Now, I'm not sure what this entity is, or even if it is an spirit of some sort. But it does appear to be odd and out of place with the events going on. Lets watch the video and then I will close with a few more thoughts.

Here is the video.

Now, just what is it? I really don't know.
I thought it could be smoke and that it was being carried by the wind. Then I thought it could be maybe a plastic bag that was blowing in the breeze. But these are just total guesses by me. I have not attempted to analyze the clip or enhance it.

I'm also not that familiar with Indonesian folklore, legends or mythology. The only reason I'm vaguely familiar with the word Kuntilanak is because there was a horror film by that title. That film, which I have not watched but it looks scary, can be found on youtube or by Clicking Here 

What are you thought about this weird object?


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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