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Sunday, April 10, 2016

I got the following report in over the last few days. I understand how the witnesses felt as I have had bigfoot pace me while in the woods. I wonder if there are other witnesses that have seen or encounter a bigfoot while being near the Loosahatchie river? If so, I hope they submit it to us.

 Here is the report

- Start Report -

Name: Judy *****

Email Address: On file

State: Tennessee

County: Shelby

Date of Sighting: 1979 or 1980

Time of Day: 1:00am

Nearest Town: Memphis

Length of Sighting: 30 minutes

How many Witnesses: 2

Any Photos/Videos: no

Describe sighting in detail:

We lived on Deadfall Rd. off Brunswick Rd. in Shelby County, Tn. We like to hunt and fish and do everything outside. One night we put a flat bottom boat into the Loosahatchee River (before it was cleared by the corp of engineers)about 1979, in the summer. We put in at the Arlington bridge about midnight and would drift down to the Brunswick bridge. We were frog gigging with spot lights and keeping the legs for frying. During the drifting we heard something following us at the top of the bank. The water level was low and trees were hanging over the water. We continually said someone is following us, but we couldn't see anything. Sometimes we would say it was a deer or bear, but we knew it wasn't. We knew what deer sounded like, but we couldn't explain it. Thru the leaves it was a two legged creature and very heavy. It made us very nervous and we were experienced outdoor people.
Snakes didn't scare us or any animal. It followed us for about 30 minutes. But suddenly a large carp jumped over the front of the boat and was headed for me and I thought the animal on the bank had me. I stood up and screamed and fell backwards into the boat. My husband jumped the other way to keep the boat from flipping over. We lost most everything in the boat including the light but it was floating and we got it back. My husband was happy I didn't gig myself in the back and I was happy the creature didn't have me. We pulled ourselves together and my husband said maybe we should paddle out of here, and we didn't hear the creature anymore and we never talked about it again. We got to our car and hurried home. I didn't know what it could have been until I watched something about the Big Foot on tv. I knew after all these years, it was a big foot that was following us.

- End Report -

I can just imagine that big ol carp leaping right towards you, Judy. I have been gigging myself a few times for fish. It can be a little scary, out there in the dark, in the middle of nowhere ...but boy it can be fun as well.
I have had bigfoot pace me a couple times and it is a scary feeling.

A big thanks to Judy for sharing her story with us and I'm glad no one was hurt when you fell back in the boat.

If anyone has encountered a possible bigfoot near the Loosahatchie river, then please file the report with us.


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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