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Saturday, July 5, 2014

Boy remembers past life

This Post By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher. Dorraine is a Professional Writer, a nature, wildlife and Bigfoot enthusiast who has written for many magazines. Dorraine conducts research, special interviews and more for The Crypto Crew. Get Dorraine's book The Book Of Blackthorne! 

3-Year-Old Names His Own Killer From A Past Life???

By Dorraine Fisher

Is reincarnation real? Every once in a while there’s a story that surfaces that can make us all wonder.

According to German therapist, Trutz Hardo’s book, Children Who Have Lived Before: Reincarnation Today, there once was a baby born to members of the Druze society in Golan Heights on the Syrian-Israeli border with a strange, long, red birthmark on his head. Incidentally, the members of the Druze culture accept the idea of reincarnation as fact. And this is where this young boy lived quietly until he turned 3 and began to talk and reveal some details about his own past life. And it was a pretty gruesome tale.

He revealed to elders that he was killed by a blow to the head with an axe. And he named the murderer. And as it is customary in his culture for the elders to take a child, when they turn three years old, to the location of their previous life if they are able to recall it, the young boy revealed his own name from that life. And the person he named, curiously, had been reported missing some 4 years prior.

The boy eventually named his murder whom authorities soon confronted. The accused man was said to have "turned white" and refused to confess to anything. But when the boy told them he knew where the body could be found, the story took a turn.

He led them all to the site where they dug into the ground, and sure enough, found the skeleton of a man with a traumatic injury to his head, which interestingly enough, greatly resembled the birthmark on the boys head. And as they dug, next to the body, they recovered the murder weapon also: the axe. And so, with that, the accused man felt he had no choice but to confess to the murder.

Cultures that believe in reincarnation believe that birthmarks someone has in their current life can be traced back to an injury from a past life. They also believe that past lives are more easily recounted by very young children, and as they grow older, these memories tend to fade. But thousands of such cases have been documented by The Division of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia. And new stories like these surface on a regular basis. *********DF

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