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Sunday, June 19, 2022

Image Courtesy of Ryan Upchurch

Ryan Upchurch Shares Picture Of UFO

A few days ago the multi-talented Ryan Upchurch made a video and shared a picture he took of an apparent tic tac shaped UFO.

In the video, he describes the sighting and gives details about the event. He also compares his image to the craft in the video released by the government. The objects are very similar but Upchurch captured his image a several years before the government released their video.

Here is Ryan's video and sighting.

(language warning)

For those who may not know, I have been a fan and youtube subscriber to Ryan for many years now. He seems to have a real interest in the paranormal, UFOs, and other mysterious things. He often does artwork that features UFOs and/or aliens. I personally think it is great that he is open about his UFO sightings and is willing to share his experience.

Also, I personally have seen several UFOs throughout my life and some of which could not have been something our government makes. I do understand that sharing images or personal sightings can be met with negativity. But that does not change what a person saw or experienced.

I took the above still frame from Ryan's video and ran a filter on it. Here was the result.

It is also my understanding this was taken at the Vantage Pointe at Marrowbone Heights apartments located in Cheatham County, Tennessee. Ryan reveals many details in the video, so make sure to give it a watch.

I personally think it is great when famous/popular people share credible sighting reports. It helps bring more witnesses forward and brings awareness to such sightings/events. So, a big thanks to Ryan for sharing his story and image with everyone. He has another UFO sighting video on his channel and several other mystery/odd stories if you want to check it out. Plus you can always find a good tune to listen to while you work or play. 

Now, if I can just get him to go Bigfooting with me ...he will have a bunch more mysteries to talk about and unravel.

Everyone have a great day!


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 25 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet

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