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Monday, October 15, 2018

I got the following Bigfoot sighting report submitted to us over the weekend. The sighting area was in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge Nation Forest at or around Lake Agnes. The Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest is the largest of the National Forests in Montana. Covering 3.36 million acres, the forest is broken into nine separate sections and stretches across eight counties in the southwestern area of the state.

The hike trail to the lake is approximately 2 miles. The trail begins on the east side of Brownes Lake at the State campground. The first segment of the Agnes Lake Trail climbs 1.5 miles and almost 1,000 feet in elevation to Agnes Lake.

Here is the report and the details of the harrowing encounter.

- Start Report -

Name: Kyle *****

Email Address: On File

State: MT

County: Beaverhead

Date of Sighting: July 18

Time of Day: Early afternoon

Nearest Town: Dillon

Length of Sighting: Period of around 3 hours

How many Witnesses: 4

Any Photos/Videos: No

Describe sighting in detail:

During a small day hike to lake Agnes in the Beaverhead Deerlodge Nat. Forest, three friends and myself saw and heard some interesting things. It was very sunny that day with very few clouds in the sky. The trail is very short (about 2 miles) and not long after starting our hike, we got a uncomfortable feeling of being watched.

When we reached lake Agnes, I took off my pack and began to fish while the other 3 in my company split off. The two girls went for a swim and my friend went for a walk into the woods surrounding the lake.

A few minutes went by and the girls called me over so I could take a picture. While I was talking to the girls, my friend came sprinting out of the trees with the 9mm pistol he had carried up with us in his hand. We are all versed with the areas wildlife and were shocked when he told us that the reason he had come running was the fact that a large rock approx. 4 or 5 lbs had been thrown at him. We were the only people in the area that day, so we had decided to pack up early and get out. As we were leaving the hair began standing on the back of my neck. For the next 1.75 miles there was nothing but the normal noises of the mountains.

 As we were nearing the creek to cross to the parking lot, we heard an unexplainable loud knock as if something had taken a decent sized log and snapped it in half. So we quickened our pace and got to the creek. My jeep was only about 50 ft from the creek, so I quickly crossed the creek to get it started to get out of there. I was the first person to get across to the jeep and everyone came sprinting to the jeep minus my friend who stayed at the bank with his pistol drawn yelling at everyone to get into the jeep and get it started.

When I attempted to start the jeep, I had to turn it over 5 times to start, something that has never happened and has never happened since. Once it started, I whipped it around and he got in and I ripped out of the parking lot.

On the road leaving, my girlfriend and my friend began telling us what they saw. The way they described what they saw was kind of like how when you see something out the corner of your eyes and it disappears only the fact they were both looking straight at the creature and barely saw part of the head and shoulder. They described it as very muscular and human like that was crouched down sort of behind a tree.
We had always planned on going back to the area to look for proof but our fear of what happened that day has kept us from returning.

- End Report -

A big thanks to Kyle for submitting the report to us. Now, from what I gather this took place in the southwestern part of Montana. I do know there are a lot of Bigfoot report from various parts of the state. I have also taken in many reports of Bigfoot throwing large basketball sized rocks at people. This type of behavior from Bigfoot is normally seen as somewhat aggressive and thought to be an attempt by the Bigfoot to scare off unwanted visitors.

If anyone else has had a sighting in this area or else where, please report it to us via the link at the top of the page.


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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  1. Very near the Skalkaho pass where we research, the area has no shortage of Bigfoot. Episode #66, which I am about to release, was also from the area...

    1. thanks for the confirmation and good luck with your research.

  2. what year did the Lake Agnes event happen ??

  3. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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