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Monday, June 13, 2022

Illustration : Blurry Forest by Anna Brunk

On Going Investigation

In the preface of his book "Sasquatch, the Apes Among Us", John Green stated that he did not believe in sasquatch. His book was not for believers and was not a "thriller" about monsters. It was the story of an "on-going investigation".

How many of us can make that same statement? That our story is an on-going investigation?

It should be. Much as we all like to think so, we don't know enough about sasquatch or bigfoot or dogman or any other cryptid you want to name. We may really think we have the answers and walk the walk and talk the talk. And in that process, when confronted with something that bumps up against our pet belief or theory, we pull up short. 

Some of us for only a moment. And then we take a second look, maybe even a third and fourth look at what just upset our apple cart. And we nod and think this is something we must consider. That is an on-going investigation.

We are able to realize that we don't know it all; in fact, we might even realize we know just about nothing. And we hunger for answers, for others' opinions, for another's experiences, for other theories.

Then some of us pause for that moment, that bump. And then we snort, or huff and puff, shake our heads, and reject any information that disagrees with us. Sadly, we will never learn to fully investigate.

On-going investigation: another way of saying keep an open mind. It doesn't mean you have to accept everything that everyone says or posts or believes. Of course not. But we should take note of it. Look into it more. Be courteous about it. Discuss it. Investigate it.

Others will argue. Vehemently. Violently. Insulting. Crude. Close minded. How sad. For then we never learn.

Many times things will come up that we do not yet believe in. We have had no experience with it. Or we have never heard of it yet. How sad that those experiences, those ideas, get dismissed out of hand. Lost from research; lost from evidence.

Just think how much poorer our "history" of sasquatch would be if everyone discarded the stories that trappers told of their encounters with a strange man up on the mountain? What if we all dismissed Albert Ostman's story? Shall we all dismiss the little boy from North Carolina who said a "bear" took care of him while he was lost in the woods?

Yes, some of the stories are incredible, maybe even hard to believe. But consider this: we decide that the little boy, Casey Hathaway,  in North Carolina made up a story because he had a vivid imagination. No one saves the story. It becomes forgotten. And then 10 years down the road, a child from your neighborhood -- your own child or grandchild, even -- becomes lost in the woods. They are found 2 days later. Safe. Warm. Set down in the middle of a briar patch that humans have a hard time getting through [but which a hair covered being could pass more easily -- nature's playpen?]. And when asked what were they doing, where were they all that time? And they tell you that a "bear" found them and kept them warm and safe until the rain stopped. And then the "bear" carried them close to home and left them there. Where it was close enough you could hear them crying for their momma. And you believe their story because they have never lied about important things to you. You believe them because you see the truth in their eyes. Now wouldn't it be nice if someone had chronicled the story of the little boy in North Carolina? And any other that had occurred throughout the years? That it wasn't laughed at and dismissed as nonsense?

That's called a theory and support/evidence for that theory.  And without open minds recording this type of activity, your story becomes an isolated incident to be scoffed at.

We cannot, we should not allow this to happen. We can't continue to call out "HOAXER", "FAKE", "THAT'S NONSENSE" just because we don't like the story or the person or because it doesn't fit in with our "truths".

Be skeptical. That is perfectly ok. You can't swallow everything whole. But again, investigate. Look into it. Don't allow your skepticism to make you blind to things that could possibly be true.

I came into this bigfoot/sasquatch "thing" with some beliefs and theories that have been blown out of the water. My beliefs and theories have been adjusted. But I'm not done learning things yet. I'm still looking : reading, viewing, listening, looking . . . open mind . . . on going investigation.


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."
 "Those that know, need no further proof. Those that don't, should not demand it from others, but seek it for themselves."

This Post By TCC Team Member Nancy Marietta. Nancy has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal and cryptids. Nancy is also a published author and her book, The Price of war, has been met with great reviews.

[Please Note: Sadly Nancy passed away at the first of January, 2022. We will continue to honor her and her research by sharing her work. RIP Nancy. -Thomas]

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