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Monday, January 6, 2014

Ufo almost hits plane
Ufo almost hits plane

This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

A friend sent me a link to the following story about an abject shaped like a rugby ball coming within a few feet of hitting a passenger jet. I have just repost part of the story.

"AVIATION authorities have been left baffled after a UFO in the shape of a rugby ball reportedly passed within a few feet of a passenger jet near Heathrow Airport.A pilot on the A320 Airbus reported the near miss to air traffic controllers, prompting an investigation. However, no one has been able to identify the object.

The aircraft was cruising at 34,000ft, around 20 miles west of Heathrow Airport, over the Berkshire countryside, when the captain spotted the object out of a left-hand side cockpit window. It was said to be "cigar/rugby ball like" in shape, bright silver and "metallic" and travelling towards the jet. The pilot said he felt certain it was going to crash into his aircraft and ducked as it headed towards him, but it did not appear to make impact. He told investigators he believed the object passed "within a few feet" above the jet.

The sighting occurred in daylight, at around 6.35pm on 13 July last year". It has only emerged now, following publication of the report, which concluded it was "not possible to trace the object or determine the likely cause of the sighting". The incident was investigated by the UK Airprox Board, which studies "near misses" involving aircraft in British airspace. It ruled out other aircraft, meteorological balloons, toy balloons and military objects.

Read more: The Week"

Funny how it is just now coming out.


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