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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Crypto Files - 5 People Who Mysteriously Vanished!(Ep45)

It's time for another episode of The Crypto Files. In this episode, we take a brief look at five cases where the person seems to have vanished without leaving behind any clues.

There are numerous disappearances where people vanish without a trace. There are currently a lot of open missing persons cases in the United States. We hope this video can if nothing else, bring some awareness to the cases presented.

Here is the video.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Ego - The Scariest Monster Of All Is Inside You
Is Yours A Monster Too?

By Dorraine Fisher

Throughout our entire lives, we hear a lot about the ego. And we think we know what it is. Most people believe that a person with a big ego is a person with an over inflated view of him or herself, or a person who’s narcissistic or conceited. And, though those things are true, they’re not all there is to the ego. We all fall victim to our egos. Psychiatric professionals battle this monster throughout their entire careers, attempting to make people understand and conquer their egos.

So, why is it such a big deal?
Monday, February 26, 2018 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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Friday, February 23, 2018

I was alerted to a document that for all intents and purposes, attempts to expose Todd Standing as nothing more than a fraud out to fool people and make money. While I don't personally have any vendetta against Standing, I also don't perceive his content to be that of real Bigfoot.

So, I decided to take a more serious look at the content within the document and see if any of it checked out. Many of the items in the document linked to some type of source that seemed to confirm statements within said document.

Below is some of my efforts to gain more information. I will try to explain why some things are important.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Last night our own Tony Felosi was featured on Necromancer Live Show with Host Justin Brown.
The show was very good and very informative. The host, Justin Brown, has a really good set up and conducts a very good show, we thank him for having Tony on and helping people learn about us, our group and our projects.

So, I want to share the video with everyone, in case you didn't get to watch last night.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Numerology: Following The Number Trail
Is It Really A Thing?

By Dorraine Fisher
I’ve recently become involved with exploring different paradigms lately,  just to see where they’d take me, and one of them is numerology. This is something I’ve never paid much attention to. I never really aspired to the idea of letting numbers decide the details of my life. And many people believe the numbers are messages from our spirit guides who aren’t able to communicate with us in other ways. That idea was even crazier to me. But in the interest of research, I decided to deviate from my normal thought patterns and allow my mind to be altered a bit.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Artist rendering of report.
A few days ago I got in a interesting report from our local area. I know this area very well and have done quite a bit of Bigfoot hunting in this general area. There are several other reports from this area as well. I personally have found tracks and stick formation in this general vicinity.

It is my understanding that this event has never been reported until now. So, I'm very happy to document this sighting.

Monday, February 12, 2018

This next report/story is a pretty good one. I only have part of the story but the part I have has some pretty good detail.

Imagine being out in basically the middle of nowhere, being alone and hungry. No one around and you haven't seen another human being in a long time.  According to the story that is the state of one man who saw two bigfoot.

Here is more on the tale.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Sightings of white Bigfoot is pretty rare, even though there are a number of reports. The following report is of a white Bigfoot charging toward a moving automobile. As you can imagine, the occupants of the vehicle where shocked and scared.

This report comes from Kentucky. It was not sent to me but it was a report I found on the internet.  The reason I'm sharing it is that it is fairly close to me and it is a report of a white bigfoot.

Here is the report.

Monday, February 5, 2018

2018 has hit the Bigfoot world pretty hard as we have lost two of our own. Even though there is a lot of infighting amongst different Bigfoot researchers and communities, some losses seem to touch everyone.

For this post I want to briefly talk about these two good men, who are no longer with us, but made contributions to bigfoot research and other fields.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Ghost Road
It seems ever town you go to has some type of scary monster or creepy ghost story to tell. I know here in my area there are several spooky tales about various locations. These areas often have a history of weird sightings or of odd things happening in them. Many times we don't know the full story as to why a certain area may have weird things going on.

Today, I want to share a story and a place I recently heard about, known as Ghost Road. It is located in Baltimore County Maryland. We all known Maryland has its share of weird tales, one of which is the Maryland Goatman.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Before I get into the whole story about this strange picture, let me tell you that I do know the people involved and the witness personally. I know the location and have been in this store many times. Now with that said I want to let you know upfront that I can not use the name of the store or the witness's real name. We always try to protect those who wish to remain anonymous.

Now, on with the story.

This was a very recent event and there seems to be some on going paranormal activity taking place. Today, I spoke with the witness, who was still shaken up by the whole experience, and got the details.

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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