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Thursday, January 31, 2019

I got the following report via Facebook Messenger. The person wishes to remain anonymous, so for this report we will just call him Pete.

This report comes from the Black Mountain area in Harlan county Kentucky. Black Mountain is an excellent area for Bigfoot and is home to numerous Bigfoot reports.

Black Mountain is the highest mountain peak in the Commonwealth of Kentucky with a summit elevation of 4,145 feet  above mean sea level and a top-to-bottom height of over 2,500 feet.

Here is the report:

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Still Frame Capture from Todd Standing Video.

First, let me be very clear this is NOT a photo that was taken by Todd Standing. According to his video, it was sent to him and he has been invited to the area.

While I did not watch all of Standing's video, I will link it below, I watched enough to get a little of the brief story he told. That being,the photo was submitted to him and he is invited to this area to view Sasquatch.

As most of you probably know, Standing released a documentary entitled Discovering Bigfoot back several months ago. It, for the most part, has been met with good reviews, although their are many who dispute the documentary and his evidence.

Below is the link to his video, with the above picture, followed by some close up of the figure in the picture, along with some thoughts about it.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Area of second sighting

TCC members Bobby and Corinna Long give us an update from their home state of Oregon. Oregon is home to numerous Bigfoot sightings and has an idea habitat for Bigfoot.

This report contains three different sightings by Bobby and Corinna spread over a span of around three years. If you have had a sighting in any of these area, please contact us.

Friday, January 25, 2019

A man that goes by the name Bob Smith, could be his real name, films what might be a Bigfoot near the Salmon river in Idaho.

Apparently, Bob was out on his property when he saw this figure walking on a steep hill. The whipped out his cell phone and got video of the figure.

Bob states " Possible Bigfoot walking across open hillside, not sure what it is"

Here is the video and then some enhanced still frames

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Do Cats See Ghosts?
By Dorraine Fisher

The paranormal community is full of cat-owners. And some of them make some interesting claims about their mysterious furry friends. They claim their cats are able to see into other dimensions or can simply see ghosts or other kinds of beings that humans can’t see. I myself am not a cat owner at present, but I have had cats in the past, and they do seem to have a certain sense of knowing that humans don’t have. And, in my experience, they often did seem to be watching something around them that I was unable to see. And just staring into their eyes can give you a sense of mystery. They do have a look that says, “I know something you don’t know.”  And nearly every cat owner I know has a story about their “psychic” felines.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Once again, I do not know much about this picture. I do not know where it was taken, who to credit, or even if it is of a real Bigfoot. Here is what little I know about the image.

The best I can assume is that the picture was taken around 2016, but that may not be the date at all. A possible location of Pennsylvania but again this is just a guess.

What we are looking at, according to what I read, is a Bigfoot stooping down and looking directly at a game camera.

I have attempted to enhance the image to see more details.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Here is what I know so far.

A film crew was shooting some landscape B-roll footage with a drone just outside Beaver, Utah. The footage was for a documentary film that was/is in production. After filming the two men eventually return to their hotel room and start to scrub through the drone footage. They noticed this anomaly that seems to be moving really fast and past the drone.

According to the two men, Sam Chortek and Jimmy Chappie, the footage was shot at 60 frames per second and was filmed back in 2016. The footage was captured with a DJI Inspire drone. The footage is just now being released. The men estimate they were 400 or 500 feet from the drone and never saw or heard anything.

Beaver, Utah is roughly a 2 plus hour drive to the outskirts of the famous Area 51. That is not really that far away in an aircraft.

First let's take a look at the footage,  here it is:

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Did This Man Really See An Angel In The Sky?
By Dorraine Fisher

Strange things are happening everywhere.UFO sightings are on the rise.
The sun has been recorded looking different than it ever looked before, and cloud formations have taken on new dimensions.

Sightings of unusual things are everywhere lately. And many people seem to be shifting their view of the world and all the mysteries it contains.

But what did a South Carolina man see in the sky recently?

Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Age Of Aquarius And Why Astrology Is More Significant Than We Think

By Dorraine Fisher

Yes, it’s true. We’re slipping into the fabled Age of Aquarius. Astrologers believe it probably started back in 2012 when many people thought the world was ending. But was it just the end of a cosmic cycle?

I’m one of those, like many, that have considered astrology to be an amusing source of entertainment over the years. Something not to be taken too seriously. But the more I study it and watch what goes on in the world and with the people in it, I realize there might be something more to it.

Scientists will tell you that our astrological position in the cosmos has nothing to do with our personality or any of our birthrights. And in the past, that stance seemed perfectly logical to me. But that was before I really started listening to astrologers and started to think about it in a different way.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Symbiosis. Does Bigfoot Use Other Animals For Its Survival?

A Controversial Viewpoint

By Dorraine Fisher

It may seem like a weird question, but I had to ask. In light of my recent bigfoot encounter and research findings, and as an amateur wildlife photographer, I kept making correlations between bigfoot encounters and the sightings of other wildlife.

For me, there were two different animals that made their appearances revolving around my investigations. The crows seemed to appear and were highly vocal about my being there. To nature enthusiasts, crows are known as an alarm system for other animals. They sound warnings when a predator is near or when something in the area has changed. No matter how you feel about them, crows play a vital role in the ecosystem. And the second animal was the coyotes. I rarely see them out in the open in broad daylight, but when I’m seriously pursuing some bigfoot findings, the coyotes seem to appear out of nowhere. And they often stand and stare at me, almost as if they have something to tell me. Or perhaps, they are watching me or trying to distract me from something? But the sheer number of times I make this particular correlation has to make me wonder if there’s more to it. Because as a bigfooter and paranormal believer, I know there’s always more to it.
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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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