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Friday, November 16, 2018

Re-creation of report
Okay, so I know these reports have been circulating for a little while now and many of you may have already heard about them. But today I heard commentary about this particular Irish UFO report that just frosted me. The news reader was on the radio and he read the story of the Irish pilots that reported seeing a UFO. Which was fine until he wanted to throw his 2 cents in at the end of the reading and ridicule the pilots and anyone who has seen a UFO.

He made it out that there was no such thing as a UFO and that people who reported UFOs are basically lying or crazy. He didn't use the words "lying or crazy" but his little chuckle and sarcastic tone was almost sickening. This type of thing just gets under my skin sometimes. I also want to be clear, this person, I can't remember his name, was hosting a show where they also read interesting news stories. He was not on a major network or anything. It was supposed to be an uplifting inspirational broadcast with news thrown in.

Well, his closed mindedness made me want to share the story of the pilots, so here is a short overview and some links.

Irish aviation officials are investigating after two airline pilots reported seeing unidentified flying objects off the southwest coast of Ireland last week.

"It was moving so fast," the pilot said. "It appeared on our left hand side and rapidly veered to the north. We saw a bright light and then it disappeared at a very high speed."

A second pilot, flying a Virgin Airlines plane, also called into air traffic control.

The audio recording of the communications to the radio tower were also released. You can listen to them by clicking here.

Back in March, two airline pilots claimed to see UFOs fly over their planes in Arizona's airspace. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) admitted that it didn't know what the object were.

You can read the more detailed reports of these two reports by clicking here.

I know these reports have made the rounds but after hearing the sarcastic news reader today, I wanted to share them.

While I do not know what these objects were or weren't, I think creditable reports from people like pilots should be taken seriously. And reporters who make fun of the subject are only making themselves out to be closed minded people.

So, there you have it ...my mini rant of the day I guess...lol


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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