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Friday, September 20, 2013

Zombie attack
Zombies in Florida
The Zombie Of St Augustine Florida

In the early morning hours of the 12th of December 1963 a man and his wife were awakened to screams from their nineteen year old daughters room down the hall from their room. The daughter had been laying on her bed when she saw something at her open window. When the teenager approached the window she saw a man whose eyes were sunk in and his gums were pulled back from his teeth.

He was attempting to crawl through her window. She later said that he stank so bad that she could hardly keep from throwing up. The girl slammed the window on one of his arms and it came off at the elbow falling into the room with her. Her father got into the room and to the window in time to see the man stagger off down the street towards some woods. A neighbor man across the street ran into the street after hearing the girls screams and he saw the man to as he staggered off down the street and into the woods. The police were called and they searched the rest of the night for the man. Just at daylight the next morning the man now dead and minus his arm was now laying in some woods about a half mile from where he had attempted to enter the girls room.

The police investigated the incident and immediately thought some one had dug the man up from a local cemetery where he had been buried five years before. You see he was 61 years old when he had died and he had died in the house where the man and woman now lived with their daughter. When the police went to the grave yard it looked like someone had dug their way up and out of the grave.

When the local medical examiner looked at the dead mans nails the mans nails were dirty like he had been digging and he was also missing a finger. The missing finger was later recovered from the cheap cardboard coffin the man had been buried in. Officially the local police said someone or possibly several people had dug the man up and put him where he was found. They would never admit that the man had walked back to his old house on his own. Police said it was a prank but the people there that night said that not only had the man been up and walking but that he was also growling. How this could have been possible no one can say. This story is told by the ghost tour operators on ghost tours in St
Augustine Florida to this day. They say it's a true story that really happened.

This was posted by the good people over at SPIRIT Paranormal.

This kind of stuck out to me because of the "zombie attack" that happened about a year or so ago in FL, where the man ate most of the face off of another man.


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