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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Reincarnation - is it real

By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher
Professional Writer, a nature and wildlife enthusiast who has written for many magazines.

So You Don’t Believe In Reincarnation?
Consider These Things - The Soul Series Part 3
By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher

    Over the years, through experience and knowledge, I’ve come to believe in at least the possibility of reincarnation. I’ve had enough strange experiences of the world that I never dismiss something as impossible any more. And I believe it’s folly to say something isn’t possible when “impossible” things happen every day. I DO believe that the mysteries of the universe run far deeper than any of us really imagine. And you may think it’s easier to believe in something like Bigfoot because there is some evidence to suggest they exist, where there’s no proof of reincarnation at all. Right?
Well, let’s examine this a little further.
In parts one and two of this series, I’ve introduced the possibility that our soul is actually an energy force that drives us and makes us who we are; a real, genuine source of energy like any other known to science. And science knows that energy can’t be destroyed. It can only change its form. So if the soul is as I describe, where does it go when we die?
Is it possible that you are a time traveler?
With all this information in mind, suppose you have died. But suppose that it’s just your body that has given out. This other part of you, your soul, this indestructible energy force must now find a new home. It needs a body…and what better body to use than a newborn baby?
But you don’t have to take my word for it.
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Director of the Division of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia has spent many years studying cases of reincarnation in children. And he has documented over 3000 cases in the course of his career. He’s a medical doctor, the former head of the department of psychiatry for the university; and has a spotless reputation. And believers and skeptics alike who are familiar with his work agree that he has the best collection of evidence yet that could prove the validity of reincarnation.
Thousands of children remember details, events, circumstances, and names of people they knew. They can find their way around places with which they couldn’t possibly be familiar unless they had been there. And they remember details about vocations they couldn’t possibly know unless they had worked in that vocation. Some even recall details of a different language if their supposed last life was in a different country. And many experience seemingly mysterious physical pain from an injury or death in the previous life. These experts estimate that 90 percent of physical ailments we have can be attributed to some past life experience.
And experts like Dr.Stevenson claim children have a better chance of remembering a past life while they’re young, like it’s fresher in their minds. But these memories have a tendency to fade as they get older.
But on a more personal level, maybe you’ve had some experience of this and didn’t realize it. Ask yourself these questions:
  1. Do you have an abnormal fear of something that literally consumes you and yet you don’t know where it came from? Could it be you had a terrifying experience in a previous life that may have even claimed your life and now invokes horrible fear as you recall it in this one?
  2. Did your parents claim that you possessed certain significant personality traits from the day you were born?
  3. Do you have certain aches or pains or other physical ailments that no doctor seems to be able to help? I.E. if you were strangled or hanged in a previous life, you may experience neck pain in this one for no apparent reason.
  4. Have you ever had a dream that was historically accurate? Like it correlated with a familiar period in history? Were you wearing clothes from the period? Did you feel like you were really there? Could it be not just a simple dream, but a past life recollection?
  5. Do you feel more comfortable in certain types of terrain? Do you maybe feel more at home in the mountains or by the seaside, when maybe you weren’t necessarily born there? Could it be you had a happy life in one of those places in a former life?
  6. Have you ever met someone that you liked right away and had that feeling like you’ve “known each other forever?” These experts say we find a way to stay close to the same familiar souls in each life. Could it be you really have known this person forever?
  7. Have you ever met someone you hated right away but really couldn’t put your finger on the idea of why? Could it be this person wronged you in some way in a previous life and you, on some level, sense it in this one?
  8. Have you ever seen someone and instantly felt drawn to them by some unseen force you couldn’t explain? Almost like they seemed familiar? Could it be they remind you of someone you’ve known before and even loved in a past life? Could it be that you somehow recognized this as a person you’ve known before?
  9. Have you ever entered a place you’ve never been to before, but somehow it seems familiar? Is it possible you’ve been there in a previous life?
  10. Have you ever found yourself in a situation that gives you that feeling of déjà-vu? Like this has happened to you before, but you know it couldn’t have possibly? But is it possible it may have happened to you this way in a previous life?
  11. Have you ever known a child that seemed frustrated by being a child and having the limitations of being a child? Could it be this person is unknowingly trying to accomplish something that was left unresolved in a previous life?
  12. Do you have emotional issues that you can’t seem to resolve? Are you stuck in your life or confused much of the time? Do you feel you have a mental block about certain aspects of your life. Could it be that these problems were created in a previous life, never resolved, and carried with you into this one?

     Grasping the idea of having lived past lives gives an explanation to many things in our lives we can’t

explain. And strangely it takes away the fear of death somewhat because it lets us know that this life

is not the end. There is another after this one. We have another chance. It can change our whole

perspective on life and why we are the way we are. Maybe…just maybe there’s always a reason.

     Modern medical science is just beginning to recognize the possibility that many of our problems,

 mental and physical, can be healed through past life regression therapy. The act of finding the origin

 of our problems in this life by delving into previous ones is proving to be very successful. And

 they’re using it more and more. Why?

     Could it be because we really have lived before? Hmmm. ******DF

     Still don’t believe? Check out this video featuring little James Leininger who recalls compelling

 details of his past life as a WWII fighter pilot:

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