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Friday, July 26, 2013

UFO Seen in Sorrento,FL
Sorrento, FL

  UFO Report from Sorrento, FL Area

A Strange disk shaped object seen near Sorrento, FL.

Check out the details below.

-Start Report-

Name: Julian
State: FL
Date of Sighting:  1993
Time of Day: 9-10
Nearest Town: Zellwood
Length of Sighting: 2 minutes
How many Witnesses: 4
Any Photos/Videos: no
Describe sighting in detail:

It was 1993 around 9 or 10 o'clock at night. My aunt and uncle where out side with my mom and dad, they where out on the yard drinking, when this Big disk shape craft with lights around it appeared above them. It was moving real slow and when my uncle seen it he ran to get his video camera.
He jumped in his car with my dad they tried to record but at the time they wanted to record it the recorder didn't want to work. They said it was real close and real big and they have never seen any thing like this before.

This was in near Duda Astatula, Florida and at the moment where we are live. We still see weird sightings as well but nothing like the one I just talked about. This was like a year ago, we seen it twice in the sky, looked like it was real far in the sky and this star size thing was going zig zag every where, I thought I was seeing things until I called my wife and she seen it as well and my friend. The next day we seen it again pretty sure I could see it again if I look again. This was at Plymouth Sorrento, FL.

-End Report-

Thanks goes to Julian for sharing, If you get photos of videos make sure to contact me.


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