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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

TCC - A couple of weeks ago I ran across the video below. I found it very interesting as it was a new angle for looking at the Famous Patterson film, But I had a question pop into my head almost immediately and it was "Could someone running hit the mark?"

Well a few day ago I was contacted by David Edwards about something totally unrelated to the above video. We had a good email exchange and as it turns out David is what I like to call a "science guy".
A science guy that has an interest in bigfoot. I will not go into his extensive education or his degrees but trust me he is a very credible professional person and does hold a few degrees. He was also willing to help us if we needed anything done from a "Science guy."
Anyway, I told him about the above video and I posed my question to him: "could a person running hit the mark?" and would he like to do an analysis of or about it. He said Yes and what follows is his findings.

[This is a guest post by David Edwards: The Science Guy]

Responding to your question on the video and the gait. Could a person hit the mark by running?
Not running:

but yes for speed walking:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2urNVmKnEaQ (Embedding was disabled for this video)
Runners actually extend well above 90 degrees. Runners land on the mid to front part of the foot springing off with a burst of power in the next step.
Speed walkers, while lifting higher than casual walking, don't typically get up to a 90 degree angle, but midway between the two... like around 70-75 degrees. Speed walkers also land their leg on the heel and roll forward. They rely less on the power burst than just momentum of fast moving legs over shorter distance.
What's interesting about the speed walking angle is that Patty in real time is actually walking fast, not running. But even though the lift is comparable and the landing similar, the overall gait is not. Both speed-walkers and runners lock their leg at some point in the cycle. Patty has bent knees throughout. I think the high-stepping bent-knee gait is an adaptation of walking up and down uneven hills, like the clearance of her walk would allow her to step over boulders or to get better balance when taking a high step onto boulders. Keeping the knees bent allows for better balance.
So I think a speed walker could better replicate the leg lift and probably the overall gait, but it would take a lot of practice.
What stands out to me on Patty is not the usual mentions - breasts, leg hernia, jawline, etc. But lower limb proportion.
For humans, the ratio of hip to knee length versus knee to ankle length is relatively equal.
For gorillas, the hip to knee length is far greater than knee to ankle length; since they typically walk on all 4s that makes sense.
For Sasquatch, the hip to knee length is longer than knee to ankle length, but not as equally proportioned as a human. I think this proportion with their longer arms would allow them to run on all 4s if they had to and be more gracefully than humans on all 4s.
Like gorillas they have a massive upper body. So it seems they would need longer larger thighs & hamstrings to support their upper bodies when walking and muscular thighs would give them the burst of power to move quickly when on all 4s. People who do a lot of mountain climbing have very muscular legs.
I would think Bigfoot doesn't live long. Supporting so much upper body mass in a world of gravity must be killer on the back. Muscle helps, but it is still weight and promotes long-term wear of the spine. Gorillas can live long lives because they use all 4 limbs routinely to support their mass. I guess Bigfoot has a lot of back issues, herniated disks, and such. When we throw our backs, we can collect disability. When they throw their backs, it's likely quick death if left immobile. Back issues may also contribute to observed forward leaning walk.
There is a principle of physiology called SAID - Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand. I think avoiding human contact is a physical adaptation for them. The imposed demand - bringing down game for food - requires conservation of strength and preservation of spinal cord to ensure Bigfoot can continue to hunt. Humans don't appear to be seen as food, but do demand a lot of interaction because of our relentless curiosity. So intentional avoidance of a high energy activity with little merit is possibly an energy conservation adaptation to ensure food gathering strength and mobility.
Hey, I think I just made a new theory. :-) 

-David Edwards - The Science Guy
TCC - Thanks to David for his analysis and help!
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  1. I would like to take this opportunity to make a few comments regarding this article. I intend no disrespect and am not "Hateing" on the Author. I make these comments because I feel strongly that anyone who presents themselves as an expert should be held to a Higher Standard than the average person who posts opinions.
    The Author, David, presents himself as the "Science Guy", therefore he needs to be RIGHT in his REMARKS presented as FACT.
    This is important because FACT have a way of getting around on the web not ony does this hurt the average Sasquatch believer, but the Sasquatch Research community as outside experts will automatically assume this to be the typical quality of Sasquatch Research obviously making more difficult for real researchers to be taken seriously.
    I will not provide an exhaustive accounting of what I feel are inaccuracies of fact in this article, but only some of those most obvious.
    First, runners do not extend above 90*. I must assume he meant flexion, two different things, they are not the same. Proof read and be accurate.
    "Burst of Power", what do you mean by this phase? If you are going to write an article like this then may be one should explain in detail the concept. Burst of power really has no meaning.
    Then He talks about momentum of fast moving legs. REALLY? Why not instead talk about the gait cycle that is at play here,
    that would be more interesting and informative.
    Next the Author asserts that runners and walkers lock their leg at some point. This is a very strange statement and not true. The Human does not lock the knee while doing either activity. I site the knee, as I assume that is what the author actually meant, when he said Leg.
    During both running and waling the knee remains very slightly flexed. Locking of the knee begins at about the last 5 degrees of extension. As extension continues, the femur rotates inward and medially this shifts the joint faces and ligaments into a locked position "LOCKED", at this point the knee is stable.
    I will not even go into the strange discussions of Hip/Knee ratios as he makes no sense.
    I do challenge the idea that Gorillas live a long life because they go on all Fours, REALLY? That's quite a statement, I say back it up. Where is the evidence?
    Then he says Sasquatch does not live long, and that he has back problems all due to weight and gravity. Guess they suffer a lot of "Herniated Disks". A small issue, Anyone educated in the Medical Science will know that DISK is spelled Disc. Further; even though presented as guesses, these ideas seem very poorly thought out.
    Sasquatch suffering and dieing early due to weight walking on two legs, he contradicts his self; when earlier he theorizes that due to leg ratios Sasquatch goes on all four quite well. Which one is it?
    This idea that because Sasquatch is heavy, his Disc Herniate, really does not hold up either. The best evidence in Humans is that we suffer Disc Disease mainly due to unhealthy life styles and unhealthy lifting and moving, greatly due to the very human activity called WORK. Humans do work, and use and miss-use our bodies in ways unheard of in other Mammals.
    To assume that Sasquatch would suffer the same maladies as Human, I would believe is over reaching.
    Then we have SAID, I do believe He has miss applied this concept.
    My last issue is this, How you present yourself as the "Science Guy". Then also present your Qualifications.
    I will present mine.
    My name is Thomas Bearden, Doctor of Chiropractic. I hold a Four Year Professional Degree. I have almost Eight Years of Higher Education and years of Clinical Experience. I am not an expert in Sasquatch and do not claim to be. Truly this does not make me a better person, but it does provide a Back Drop for my remarks.

    1. Thanks for your input, I'm not an expert on bigfoot either...don't think anybody really is a expert on this subject.
      Often times we put forth opinions and theories and it causes research to look in new directions and can lead to real breakthroughs.


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